Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Facebook craze

After having a Facebook for a few years now, I honestly feel that I have wasted so much time spent on this ridiculous website. Is it cool to see what old friends are doing? Sure. However, Facebook proves to be quite addictive, and in no time at all one can go from being a curious friend to an out and out stalker. I find myself looking at my friend's pages every day and often wonder why I care so much about these people's lives. Facebook's mission is that it supposedly brings people together, but I think it does the complete opposite. It's crazy how many people connect through writing on each others "walls" rather than giving one another a phone call here and then to stay in touch. To rant about this website some more, people actually determine their romantic relationships by whether their kinship is "Facebook official" or not. Really? Why are people so obsessed with publicizing their lives? And again, why do we care? Facebook used to be a harmless website that gave friends a common new interest. Now, it has become a tool for people to stalk friends and exs.

Anyway, I will be deleting mine. No more Facebook distraction. No more wasting my time on this website. No more caring about random people's lives.

I'll never understand how I got sucked into the craze.

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